8. Older People
8.1 Consultation Results
The activities and services appreciated by older people include the Silverdale Players, yoga, line dancing, bridge; and the chemist, doctor’s surgery and post office. Transport can be a particular difficulty for those older people who are no longer able to drive. For these people the village transport scheme is a great help. The extra support people need as they get older is very clear: the continuance of meals on wheels; sheltered housing; somewhere to meet to prevent isolation; and volunteer support schemes.
8.2 Action Group Report
A majority of residents expressed satisfaction with the range of services and opportunities needed, or wanted, by older people in the village.
The only significant issue from the Parish Plan consultation relating to older people’s services was the possibility of having a sheltered housing scheme. There were some strong responses supporting the development of sheltered housing, but not many. No-one submitted any written response. Residents who gave a verbal response wanted a wardened scheme in the village centre.
The difficulties of achieving this appear to be considerable. The County Council is not proposing to extend provision of traditional sheltered housing. To attract a developer the scheme would have to be large enough to justify employing a warden. There would be the usual difficulty of finding a site in the village centre. Volunteers would be needed to lead an action planning group promoting a scheme of this kind, and as yet no-one has offered to take on this role.
8.3 Action
The Parish Council has explored the issue of sheltered housing and concluded that at present there was little chance of a village centre site becoming available. If this situation changed, the Parish Council would communicate with relevant organisations in the village