12.2 Medium Term Aims

Ref. Aims By Whom Milestones/ Completion Date
M1 Organise a “Shop Local: Use it or Lose it” campaign to encourage people to do more of their shopping in the village. Action Group
Parish Council
Countryside Agency
  1. Identify resources for assistance Spring 2004
  2. Propose funding and appoint consultant Summer 2004
  3. Carry out campaign 2004/5
M2 Consult on the Village Centre Action Plan before including it in the statutory Development Plan / SPG. Action Group
Lancaster City Council
Lancashire County Council
Parish Council
  1. Consultation Autumn 2004
  2. Development Plan 2005? depending upon LCC timetable.
M3 Investigate sources of finance for implementing the Village Centre Action Plan. Action Group
Lancaster City Council
Lancashire County Council
Parish Council
Countryside Agency
Summer 2004
M4 Implement phase 1 of the Village Centre Action Plan (where owners’ consent and finance are available). Action Group
Lancaster City Council
Lancashire County Council
Parish Council
M5 Explore in more detail additional third party capital and revenue funding to provide financial security for the Library Parish Council
Action Group
Lancashire County Council
M6 Investigate introduction of Sunday bus services for the shuttle and other routes. Action Group
Lancashire County Council
M7 Raise pavements to enable bus stops to be used by new low access buses Lancashire County Council
Countryside Agency
M8 Reduce maximum speed on all roads in the parish from 60 to 40mph. Lancashire County Council
Lancashire Police
Parish Council
M9 Introduce 20mph speed limits on those “walk roads” most frequently used by walkers and cyclists and where road safety would be significantly improved. Lancashire County Council
Action Group
Parish Council
M10 Introduce 30mph speed limits on other roads where the current 60 mph limit causes problems for pedestrians, cyclists and horse riders. Lancashire County Council
Action Group
Parish Council
M11 Review existing signing and remove signs which send traffic down “walk lanes” or are unnecessary and intrusive, so as to protect the visual amenity of the AONB Lancashire County Council
Action Group
Parish Council
Conservation bodies
M12 Organise a campaign to increase the awareness of Silverdale residents of the dangers of speeding. Parish Council
Lancashire County Council
Lancashire Police
M13 Better signposting at the T-junction at the top of New Road to help heavy lorries. Lancashire County Council 2004
M14 Work together with conservation bodies in helping to purchase pieces of land, as they become available, to set aside for nature conservation. Parish Council
Conservation Bodies
M15 Investigate the possibility of bringing together an integrated programme of events, possibly called The Silverdale Festival, celebrating the importance and beauty of the area. Parish Council
Lancaster City Council
NW Tourist Board
NWDA Conservation Bodies
Countryside Agency
M16 Encourage and extend the City Council’s new kerb-side recycling scheme. Parish Council
Lancaster City Council
2004 onwards
M17 Consider whether to initiate another housing needs survey, and if so, to begin another search for a small site or sites on which to build affordable homes. Parish Council
Lancashire County Council
M18 Fundraising for the new play area, including following up the following possible sources of grants etc: 

  • Lancaster City Council
  • National Lottery Fund
  • Carnforth Area Regeneration Partnership
  • Playgroup Association
  • Parish Council
  • Groundwork Living Spaces Scheme
Action Group
Lancaster City Council
Parish Council
National Lottery Fund
Playgroup Association
Countryside Agency
2004 onwards
M19 Put into place arrangements for future management, maintenance and insurance of the play area. Parish Council
Lancaster City Council
M20 Develop proposals for the construction of two tennis courts, and the formation of a tennis club, either on the Children’s Playground site on Cove Road or at the Institute field, Spring Bank. Parish Council
Sport & Recreation Development Committee
Lancaster City Council
Silverdale Bowling Club
Countryside Agency
2004 onwards
M21 Develop proposals for a new car parking facility to serve the suggested tennis and existing bowling clubs (if this site is chosen). Sport & Recreation Development Committee
Parish Council
Lancaster City Council
Lancashire County
Council Silverdale
Bowling Club
2004 onwards
M22 Explore the possibility of shared use by the suggested tennis club of clubhouse and refreshment facilities with the Silverdale Bowling Club (if this site is chosen). Sport & Recreation Development Committee
Parish Council
Silverdale Bowling Club
2004 onwards
M23 Investigate joint use of new maintenance equipment and storage facilities between tennis club, playground and bowling club and fund accordingly. Silverdale Bowling Club
Sport & Recreation Development Committee
Parish Council