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Online working group meeting

Meeting held on: Monday May 4th, 2020


SILVERDALE PARISH COUNCIL – Unconfirmed Minutes of an online Working Group Meeting held on Monday 4th May 2020, held online due to the restrictions in place for Covid-19


  Attending the meeting remotely – Councillors: Chairman – M.J. (Mike) Fletcher, Vice Chairman – J. (John) Bennett, N. (Nigel) Ribbons, T.G. (Terry) Bond (listening only due to technical issues), City and Parish Councillor J. (June) Greenwell, A.J. (Tony) Houghton, S. (Stephen) Wales, P. (Phil) Bickerstaff, the Clerk – L.D. (Denise) Challenor, the Deputy Clerk – G.R. (Gill) Ribbons.

 1.       It was AGREED that the Chairman of the Council, Mike Fletcher and The Vice- Chairman, John Bennett should continue in office until it is possible to hold an Annual meeting.

 2.      Apologies – None.

 3.      Councillors AGREED to continue as members of committees and representatives to other organisations until the Annual Meeting can be held. (List provided on the Agenda and reproduced in Appendix 1).

 4.      Declarations of Members’ interests relating to any items appearing on the agenda – None

 5.      Matters arising from the minutes of previous meetings – None

 6.      Report from County Councillor Phillippa Williamson – matters arising: Cllrs recommended the Clerk to write to Geoff Driver at County Council re getting recycling centres open, Cllrs felt that this is a matter of some urgency. Cllr Greenwell reported that City Council have asked County to reopen centres as soon as safely possible. Deputy Clerk will post the list of useful contacts on SPC website.

 7.      Report from City Councillor June Greenwell – Cllr Greenwell requested to only report on non Covid-19 issues as these are covered in reports directly from City Council. The request was APPROVED by Cllrs.  Cllr Greenwell reported that the issue of whether or not to support the development of a Combined Authority for Lancashire with an elected Mayor was discussed at a recent online meeting.

 8.      There was no police report.

 9.      Reports from any meetings attended (online) by Members. Lancaster City Council – Parish Support Network Team meeting – Tuesday 14th April 2020, attended remotely by Cllr Ribbons whose report was  circulated, there were no issues arising.  Councillors will continue to attend these meetings remotely whenever possible.

 10.   Cllrs noted the following items of correspondence –

 a.     SLDC Weekly planning update. (To Cllrs. 1/4, 9/4, 16/4, 23/4)

b.     FLAG publication

c.     The Rural Bulletin (Emailed 7/4)

d.     Copious emails regarding COVID 19 forwarded.

e.     SELRAP update. (Emailed 13/4/20)

f.      Power for People asks for Council’s support for the “Local Electricity Bill”. (18/4/20)

g.     Parish Online. (Emailed 24/4/2020)

The Clerk asked Cllrs who would like to view the magazines this month.

       11.  Planning Matters:

(a)  it was noted that the following Planning Applications were dealt with under the provisions of Standing Order 25a:

  • 20/000331/FUL  Treatment Plant, Stoneleigh Court.  Erection of a building to house an existing water treatment plant. – No comments.

  • 20/00357/FUL  23 The Row.  Demolition of existing rear extension and erection of a single storey rear extension. – No comments.

(b)  To consider the following Planning Applications:

  • 20/00381/FUL 1 Orchard Close, Shore Road.  Erection of a single storey side/front/rear extension, recladding of existing elevations, construction of a raised terrace to front and evacuation of land to rear. Not in keeping with the area.

  • 20/00384/FUL  4 Castle Bank.  Demolition of existing garage and erection of a two storey outbuilding. Cllrs felt there was a potential for use as a holiday home in the future.

  • 20/00398/VCN  15 The Row. Demolition of existing porch, removal of bay window, erection of bay window and porch to the front elevation, construction of a canopy, and installation of raised roof to existing rear extension (Pursuant to the variation of condition 2 on planning permission 19/01218/FUL to amend the approved plans) No Comments

 (c) 18/000380 Corner House.  To note that permission has been given for demolition and to consider the effect on the land held in Council’s care and decide on any action required – Cllrs recommended the Clerk to write to the owners and request a meeting between themselves and Cllrs Bennett, Bond and Houghton to obtain permission from the Parish Council for any works on the land in their ownership and to find an agreeable solution to ensuring the land is protected, which would include restitution of the land affected by heavy vehicular traffic during demolition/construction.

 Some Cllrs felt that the Parish Council should stop commenting on planning applications, because Councillors on the Planning Committee ignore what the PC says, and just approve or reject applications as they wish.  Cllr Greenwell disagreed, and said she would provide a written response from City Council before the next PC meeting.

12.    To receive a report from the Clerk of any actions taken under provisions of Standing Order 25: The Clerk had nothing further to report; recommendations made at the last meeting had been carried out and all payments made.

13.   Streetscape – the sign at Bankwell has fallen to pieces and needs replacing, it was RESOLVED for Cllr Bond to discuss with the relevant bodies.  The replacement of the sign at Bankwell is not in this year’s budget, so the project needs to be costed and the AONB approached to ascertain how much they will contribute. To be discussed again at a future meeting.

                           – SpIDs.  Cllr Ribbons reported seeing Brackets up on Stankelt Road, no report has been received informing SPC as yet.  It was resolved that there needs to be a Cllr responsible for future management of SpIDs in the village and for any data collected from the devices.  Use of the current SpIDs is still to be on a trial basis, with further enquiries and viability studies with regard to obtaining solar powered SpIDs in the future. Cllrs recommended the Clerk to contact Yealand Redmayne Clerk to see if they have anyone trained in mounting SpIDs on brackets who could assist and also to contact Alan Cox with regard to training or installing the SpIDs as proper training in installation is a requirement of the County Council and Insurance.

14    Playground matters – The shrinkage on the wet pour is now a serious trip hazard and urgent action required; RESOLVED to make temporary repairs to make safe and to look at a long term solution including costing. 

                                          – the wall repairs are now completed.  A request has been made to manage the sycamore saplings as they are in danger of damaging the walls; Cllr Bond to advise.

15    Finance

      (a)  Monthly check of all money received by the Council:

·        Lancaster City Council/ Precept – £36461.00 (Emailed to Cllrs. 16/4/20)

·        Lancaster City Council/toilets – £2615.58 (Emailed to Cllrs. 30/4/20)


(b)  The following payments were recommended by the Council to be paid:

·        British Gas, bacs, clock,  25/3/20, £23.06

·        British Gas, bacs, clock, 28/4/20, £19.15 

·        British Gas, bacs, toilets, 19/3/20 £37.12 

·        British Gas, bacs, toilets, 21/4/20, £27.73 

·        Mr P Williams, toilet duties/bag replacing, £244, SO 1.

·        Envirocare, contractor, £312 cheque 22150

·        Tim Lambert, contractor £200 cheque 22151

·        FLAG, subscription £10, cheque 22152

·        Glyn Walsh, playground wall, £375 cheque 22153

·        Thomas Graham & Sons Ltd., £9.62 cheque 22154

 (c)   Audit Matters.  The accounts have been returned by the Internal Auditor, approved and with his personal Audit report and the Annual Internal Audit Report signed.  The Notice of Public Rights and A Summary of Public Rights will be displayed on the notice board and website stating that the period for inspection will be 12th June 2020 to 24th July 2020.

16  Coronavirus, COVID 19 – a) No problems to report on village/volunteer matters.  It was felt that things were calming down and villagers were getting used to new routines and ways of living.  No further actions necessary at the moment.

                                            b) Future meetings of SPC were discussed; it was RESOLVED to stay with the current working party meeting using Microsoft Teams.

17    Contractor Tenders – the various tenders were discussed, the issue of RoSPA training for Playground inspections was considered and either a) the chosen contractor to have adequate RoSPA training or b) pay an outside body to carry out the inspections.  It was AGREED that safety was a priority in this decision.  Cllrs recommended the Clerk to find out information on requirements and costs so SPC can make an informed decision at the next meeting in June.  The decision on all tenders will therefore also be made at the next meeting.

18    Items for consideration for a future agenda:

1.  Contractor Tenders

2.  Facilities for Young people in Silverdale

3.  SpIDs

4. Bankwell sign

19  The next scheduled meeting of the Council is Monday 1st June 2020. Items for the agenda and copies of reports to be with the Clerk before 24th May 2020.  It is quite likely that restrictions may still be in place at this time, therefore an online working party meeting is planned.  


Gill Ribbons, Deputy Clerk to the Council


Appendix 1.

Parish Council Duties:

GDPR (Data Protection Officer) – N. Ribbons

Health and Safety Group – J. Bennett and S. Wales

Woodland Working Group – P. Bickerstaff, T. Bond and T. Houghton

Wells and Quarries – P. Bickerstaff, T. Bond and T. Houghton

Road Safety – M. Fletcher, J. Bennett and T. Houghton

S Playground – J. Bennett, N. Ribbons and P. Bickerstaff

Emergency equipment and operating plans – Group including J. Bennett, S. Wales and T. Bond

Streetscape – Clock, seats, bus shelter, noticeboards etc.  – M. Fletcher, J. Bennett and T. Houghton

Highways – Liaison with LCC – M. Fletcher, J. Bennett and T. Houghton

Representatives to outside organisations:

Morecambe Bay Partnership   – J. Greenwell

Lancaster and District Sustainable Transport Forum 

Mansergh’s Charity    ?

AONB Executive Committee.  – S. Wales

LAPTC – Lancaster Area Committee – T. Bond

The Silverdale Institute – P. Bickerstaff

Friends of Silverdale Station – M. Fletcher



Since a conventional, formal Annual Parish Council meeting in May 2020 is currently not possible within the restrictions now imposed by the Government, Councillors are asked to take part in a Working Group meeting to discuss important matters of Parish Council business. 

In accordance with the requirements of the LGAct and SPC Standing Orders, Councillors at this meeting can only make recommendations for action to the Clerk.  The Clerk as Proper Officer of The Council can consider the recommendations and, if satisfied they are appropriate and within the Council’s remit, may take any necessary action.

Councillors are hereby summoned to attend by teleconferencing means, a Working Party meeting on 4th May 2020 at 7:30pm, for the purposes detailed in the following Agenda:

1  To request that the Chairman of the Council, and Vice Chairman will continue in office until it is possible to hold an Annual Meeting.

2  To receive Apologies for Absence.

3  To request that members of committees and representatives to other organisations continue until the Annual Meeting can be held. (List provided below).

4  To receive information about matters arising from the Minutes of previous meetings, not covered by the Agenda

5  To consider the report of any relevant matters from the County Councillor P Williamson (if available it will be circulated prior to the meeting).

6   To consider the report of any relevant matters from the City Councillor J Greenwell (if available it will be circulated prior to the meeting).

7   To consider the Police Report (if available it will be circulated prior to the meeting).

8  To acknowledge reports from any online meetings of relevance attended by Members, or the Clerk circulated before the meeting.

·        Cllr. Ribbons reports on Parish Support Network Teams meeting regarding COVID 19 matters held on 14/4/20 (Circulated)

9 To consider the following items of correspondence received since the last meeting and to determine what, if any, action should be taken:

a.              SLDC Weekly planning update. (To Cllrs. 1/4, 9/4, 16/4, 23/4)

b.              FLAG publication

c.              The Rural Bulletin (Emailed 7/4)

d.              Copious emails regarding COVID 19 forwarded.

e.              SELRAP update. (Emailed 13/4/20)

f.                Power for People asks for Council’s support for the “Local Electricity Bill”. (18/4/20)

g.              Parish Online. (Emailed 24/4/2020)

10   Planning Applications 

    (a)  Dealt with under the provisions of Standing Order 25:

·        20/000331/FUL  Treatment Plant, Stoneleigh Court.  Erection of a building to house an existing water treatment plant. – No comments.

·        20/00357/FUL  23 The Row.  Demolition of existing rear extension and erection of a single storey rear extension. – No comments.

(b)  To consider the following Planning Applications:

·        20/00381/FUL 1 Orchard Close, Shore Road.  Erection of a single storey side/front/rear extension, recladding of existing elevations, construction of a raised terrace to front and evacuation of land to rear. (15/4/20)

·        20/00384/FUL  4 Castle Bank.  Demolition of existing garage and erection of a two storey outbuilding. (15/4/20)

·      20/00398/VCN  15 The Row. Demolition of existing porch, removal of bay window, erection of bay window and porch to the front elevation, construction of a canopy, and installation of raised roof to existing rear extension (Pursuant to the variation of condition 2 on planning permission 19/01218/FUL to amend the approved plans)


(c) 18/000380 Corner House.  To note that permission has been given for demolition and to consider the effect on the land held in Council’s care and decide on any action required.

11   To receive the Clerk’s report of any action (other than consideration of Planning Applications) taken under the provisions of Standing Order 25:

25(a)  Parish Council Property and Functions  

The Clerk has followed the recommendations made by the working party at their virtual meeting on 4th April 2020, the Minutes of which have been circulated and put on the website under “Minutes.”

All payments made; fallen wall repairs arranged in the playground; killing ivy with weedkiller (problems preventing); website – Covid 19 information page underway/Deputy updating; planning dept comments/00038 19 Townsfield; Tenders for Contractor work to be pursued or alternative  solution proposed discussed with current contractors.

25(b)  Non-Parish Council Property and Functions – None.

12  Streetscape 

·       To decide whether to replace the Bankwell sign which has fallen apart. (Email of 22/4/20)

·       To update on the current situation regarding the SPID’s.

13  Playground Matters

·        To receive a report on any urgent actions that have been taken and to consider any remaining issues raised in either the Lancaster CC quarterly, or Parish weekly inspections.

·        To update on maintenance and repairs and decide on any actions required. 

14   Finance

       (a)  To conduct the monthly check of all money received by the Council

·       Lancaster City Council/ Precept – £36461.00 (Emailed to Cllrs. 16/4/20)

 (b)  To authorise payment and sign cheques for the following accounts:.

·        British Gas, bacs, clock,  25/3/20, £23.06

·        British Gas, bacs, clock, 28/4/20, £19.05 

·        British Gas, bacs, toilets, 19/3/20 £37.12 

·        British Gas, bacs, toilets, 21/4/20, £27.73 

·        Mr P Williams, toilet duties/bag replacing, £244, SO 1.

·        Envirocare, contractor, £312 cheque

·        Tim Lambert, contractor £200 cheque

·        FLAG, subscription £10, cheque

·        Glyn Walsh, playground wall, £750 cheque

·        Thomas Graham & Sons Ltd., £9.62 cheque


 (c)   Audit Matters.  The accounts are currently with the Internal Auditor.

15   To discuss any matters relating to the Corona Virus measures.

·      Tesco offer grants to purchase food bags for COVID 19 volunteer groups. (15/4/20)

16   Contractors Tenders  To decide on new contractors from 18th May 2020. (See summary circulated)

·       D Wain. St Johns & Woodwell, and General contractor. (Emailed to Cllrs. 25/4/20)

·       T Lambert. General Contractor (Emailed 27/4/20)

·        Envirocare, not tendered but may continue in playground until Covid 19 restrictions end.


17  To receive items for information.


18   To receive items for consideration for a future agenda.

19   To note that the date of the next meeting is Monday 1st June 2020.  Items for the agenda, to reach the Clerk before 24th May.


Mrs L D (Denise) Challenor

Clerk to the Council, Tel. 01524 761824