
March Newsletter

Broadband for Yealand and Silverdale (B4YS)
A local group has been set up to look at bringing Broadband for the Rural North (B4RN) to Yealand and Silverdale – B4YS. The speed offered by B4RN is 50 times faster than that offered by British Telecom; the service fully encompasses everyone and the system has a life-span of at least 50 years. The group is looking for support from local schools and businesses etc, it has set up a facebook account and website (www.b4ys.org.uk). The AONB has already given some funding for banners and notices etc.

PC Richard Barr has taken over from PC Marsh as the Community Beat Manager.

County Councillor
Unfortunately, County Councillor Alycia James has been able to attend our monthly meetings for some time now – we are in touch with the County Council about this as we are concerned about the lack of County Council presence at our meetings.

Speed Limits
A public meeting was held in November to discuss the 20/ 30mph speed limits as a result of which Members resolved to ask the police to help educate drivers in the importance of driving within the speed limits and ask Highways to extend the 30mph speed limit and simplify the changes from 20 – 30 mph (this should reduce the amount of signage).

Temporary Skatepark
We are looking into the possibility of borrowing a temporary/ mobile skate park during the school holidays from Lancaster City Council – possibly in the Silverdale School playground (as the school might be able to provide the necessary secure storage). We are also looking into hiring equipment (from a commercial outlet) for one day as a part of the Field Day event.

Train Safety
We have contacted Network Rail to express concern about the recent incident involving a car trapped on the level crossing and the frequent malfunctioning of the level crossing barriers amongst other safety issues. Mr Simon Shippard (Level Crossing Manager, Network Rail) has responded and would like to give a presentation to Members on his role within Network Rail and what they are trying to achieve.

A group of volunteers are running hourly workshops at Silverdale School until July. We are paying the school’s charge for the use of its premises for the first 11 sessions (at least); the workshops are free to users.

The Royal Hotel
Our Chairman has met with Mr Michael Holgate, the owner of The Royal regarding his plans for the building. Mr Holgate is looking to use the front part of the building (and possibly adding a conservatory) as a small public house with some garden attached and Manager’s accommodation above, with a commitment to run the pub for about 3 years; he would like to develop the pub and the houses at the same time and intends to submit revised plans to Lancaster City Council. We support the re-opening of The Royal as a pub business and would like to see the revised plans.

Tender – Public toilets
One tender was submitted for the cleaning of the public toilets and the tender for April 2014 – March 2015 has again been given to Mr Williams.

We have asked Lancaster City Council for £18,292 as our precept for 2014/15. This is slightly more than last year.

Annual Assembly
At the Assembly this month we had reports from Ms Diane Baxter (Lancaster District Manager for Libraries), Mr Craig McCoy, National Trust Ranger (Arnside and Silverdale), Ms Lucy Barron, AONB Manager (Arnside and Silverdale), Councillor Ribbons (Playground Management Committee) and our Chairman. Accounts of all the reports can be found in the minutes of the meeting on the website.
Please find contact details below for our Councillors:
Chairman Terry Bond 01524 702693
Vice Chairman Tony Houghton 01524 701416
Harriet Bradfield harriet.bradfield@hotmail.co.uk
Shirley Mason 01524 701162
Keith Palmer 01524 702039/ 07969658547
Nigel Ribbons 07710044053
Paul Williams 01524 701513
Angela Woods 01524 701968
The Clerk, Denise Challenor, can be contacted on: 01524 761824 or clerk.silverdale@gmail.com