
November Newsletter

Hollins Lane and Slackwood Lane
In our last newsletter we mentioned that motorists were experiencing problems with visibility when emerging from Hollins Lane onto Slackwood Lane. We are pleased to report that the overgrowth at the junction has been cut back and the number of posters etc on the railings has been removed (or relocated) so the sight-lines are now clear.

Traffic Issues
Inconsiderate parking remains a problem in the village and the public should be aware that this can cause difficulties with access for larger vehicles – please note – Silverdale’s fire engine was replaced by a larger vehicle recently which is even harder to manoeuvre through the village than the previous one – it is really important that people bear this in mind when deciding where to park.

Christmas Tree
We have recently planted a Christmas tree in the playing field; in the past we have bought a cut tree every year but, as having a Christmas tree in the playing field has proved so popular, we decided to invest in a living tree – hopefully, this will save money in the long run!

We have formed a sub-committee to manage the 4 areas of woodland we own (Burton Well, Bankwell, Woodwell and Burton Well Scroggs); the sub-committee will manage the woodland to ensure public safety and maintain the biological habitat.

Please find contact details below for our Councillors:
Chairman Terry Bond 01524 702693
Vice Chairman Tony Houghton 01524 701416
Harriet Bradfield harriet.bradfield@hotmail.co.uk
Shirley Mason 01524 701162
Keith Palmer 01524 702039/ 07969658547
Nigel Ribbons 07710044053
Paul Williams 01524 701513
Angela Woods 01524 701968
The Clerk, Denise Challenor, can be contacted on: 01524 761824 or clerk.silverdale@gmail.com