
February Newsletter


We have asked Lancaster City Council for £18,043 as our precept for 2013/14 – this is less than last year.


A survey of the trees on Parish Council land was carried out recently – some trees were identified as in need of removal and some have been identified for surgery. Action will be taken to deal with the trees shortly.

Dog Waste Bags

After a successful trial supplying dog waste bags at The Lots we have decided to also provide bags at The Chase and Woodwell. We hope this will help to alleviate the problem of dog waste left on footpaths, pavements etc.


We are currently inviting tenders for village maintenance contracts (please see ‘tenders invited’ on the website). Tenders must be submitted before 20th March and will take effect from 18th May for one year.

Skate Park

Following an approach from a group of young skateboarders, who are looking for somewhere they can skate safely in the village, we are looking into a suitable site for a skate park.

Annual Parish Assembly

This will be held on Monday, 25th March at 7.30pm in the Green Room at the Gaskell Hall. Our speaker will be Mr Tony Parker, of the Furness Line Action Group, and he will update us on Silverdale station and on the proposed changes to the rail service. Everyone is welcome!

Please find contact details below for our Councillors:
Chairman Terry Bond 01524 702693
Vice Chairman Tony Houghton 01524 701416
Harriet Bradfield harriet.bradfield@hotmail.co.uk
Shirley Mason 01524 701162
Keith Palmer 01524 702039/ 07969658547
Nigel Ribbons 07710044053
Paul Williams 01524 701513
Angela Woods 01524 701968
The Clerk, Denise Challenor, can be contacted on: 01524-761824, or clerk@silverdale-pc-lancs.gov.uk