
November Newsletter

Broadband Provision
Mr Andrew Halliwell, Assistant Project Director (Lancashire County Council), and 2 representatives from British Telecom (BT) came to our October meeting and explained that it is the UK government’s ambition for 90% of the UK to have access to superfast broadband by 2017 using public funding. The plan is subject to approval from the European Commission which is likely to be given in about a month’s time. Lancs. CC target is for 97% of households to have access – the remaining 3% are spread across the county in urban as well as rural areas; a large proportion of Silverdale will have access to 30Mbit/s per second (many times faster than at present). Silverdale will be one of the first areas to go live and the ‘roll out’ will take place in 2013. Users will be able to apply for provision from the whole range of service providers including BT. Assuming that approval is given BT will discuss the plan for implementation with residents nearer the time.

Speed Restrictions
No doubt you will have noticed the new signage indicating the 20mph and 30mph speed restrictions which are now in force. Please note – the police advise that motorists found to be exceeding the 20 mph speed limit will be given an endorsement on their driving licence and a fine – there will not be an option to attend a speed awareness course so, please, do take care and observe the speed limits!

Christmas Trees
Hopefully you will have also noticed 2 Christmas trees in the village at Bleasdale House School and in the playground and we would like to take the opportunity of this, our last newsletter of the year, to wish you all a happy and peaceful Christmas and 2013!

Please find contact details below for our Councillors:
Chairman Terry Bond 01524 702693
Vice Chairman Tony Houghton 01524 701416
Harriet Bradfield harriet.bradfield@hotmail.co.uk
Shirley Mason 01524 701162
Keith Palmer 01524 702039/ 07969658547
Nigel Ribbons 07710044053
Paul Williams 01524 701513
Angela Woods 01524 701968
The Clerk, Denise Challenor, can be contacted on: 01524-761824, or clerk@silverdale-pc-lancs.gov.uk