
February Newsletter

We have asked Lancaster City Council for £19,889 as our precept for 2012/13 – this is the same as last year.

As Bankwell is seriously overgrown we have instructed a contractor to clear it – it is hoped that this will be done mid-February – the AONB have advised that this month is one of the better times of year to deal with the overgrowth.

Annual Parish Assembly
This will be held on Monday, 19th March at 7.30pm in the Green Room at the Gaskell Hall. Our speaker this year will be Ms Anne Burrow, a volunteer with the North West Air Ambulance. Everyone is welcome!

We are currently inviting tenders for the cleaning of the toilets (details can be found under ‘work available’ on the website). Tenders must be submitted before 20th February. We will shortly be advertising for the village maintenance contracts – these will be put on the notice board and website.

20 mph Zone
Lancashire County Council are to introduce a 20 mph limit on certain roads in Silverdale – we have been in discussion with them about this and 2 public meetings have been held. Full details will be available soon.

Please find contact details below for our Councillors:
Chairman Terry Bond 01524 702693
Vice Chairman Tony Houghton 01524 701416
Harriet Bradfield harriet.bradfield@hotmail.co.uk
Shirley Mason 01524 701162
Keith Palmer 01524 702039/ 07969658547
Nigel Ribbons 07710044053
Paul Williams 01524 701513
Angela Woods 01524 701968
The Clerk, Denise Challenor, can be contacted on: 01524-761824, or clerk@silverdale-pc-lancs.gov.uk