May Newsletter
Annual Parish Assembly
At the Assembly in March the Police reported that the detection rate for reported crimes in the Carnforth area (including Silverdale) has risen from 13% (in 2008/09) to 25% in 2009/10; Diane Baxter (Lancaster City Council) reported on news from the library and told us about the plans for various improvements to the library building; Alan Ferguson from the National Trust and Lucy Barron from the AONB gave a report and our Chairman, Terry Bond, presented his annual report.
Parish Contractor etc
In March tenders were submitted for the maintenance of the playground, grass cutting and for the work of the Parish Contractor. The contracts were awarded to Mr Paul Holgate who also had the contract last year.
Public Toilets
We took over the management of the toilets on 1st April – we will review whether or not we should continue with this in a year’s time. We are about to sign Lancaster City Council’s lease which states that they will contribute over £4,000 a year towards the running costs. The City Council have arranged for the Probation Service to paint the toilets. We accepted Mr Paul Williams’ tender to clean and check the toilets daily and are preparing a schedule of repairs which will be put out to tender.
You may have noticed that work has started on the painting of the railings – this is being carried out by the Probation Service.
At our Annual Meeting this month Councillor Terry Bond was re-elected as Chairman and Councillor Tony Houghton as Vice- Chairman.
Village Bicentenary
The celebratory weekend will be 15th – 17th July 2011 when there will be a history trail; lots of ideas have been put forward about how we can best celebrate the bicentenary in 2011 including Maypole dancing, followed by a 1940s dance night (May 7th). St. John’s Church will celebrate its 125th anniversary and the Silverdale Hotel its 175th anniversary next year too. Terry Bond is keeping everyone up-to-date with plans via the parish magazine. If anyone has any ideas, or wants to help in any way, please contact Terry on 702693 or tgbond@hotmail.com.
If you would like to contact any of our Councillors, please feel free to telephone them. Their names and telephone numbers (all preceded by 01524) are:
Chairman Terry Bond 702693
Vice Chairman Tony Houghton 701416
Arthur Graves 701284
Eve Holden 701665
Shirley Mason 701162
Anne McNaughton 701538
John Taylor 701059
Paul Williams 701513
Or contact the Clerk, Denise Challenor, on: 01524-761824, or clerk@silverdale-pc-lancs.gov.uk