
November Newsletter

War Memorial Garden
We are looking at carrying out various improvements to the Garden over the next few years – possibly planting a yew hedge, removing the gate from the entrance and replacing with a ramp on one side and steps on the other, carrying out some levelling of the land, taking back the stone edging to create more space and increasing the seating. We are hoping that some of the works will take place before the Remembrance Day service.

New Councillor
We give a warm welcome to Anne McNaughton who we have agreed to co-opt on to the Council, Anne will take up office once she has signed her Acceptance of Office and will replace Dorothy Kitson. Dorothy represented the Council on the Playground Committee and Councillor Williams has taken over this role.

You may have noticed that 2 seats on the footpath from the Cove to the Lots have been vandalized, these are due to be repaired by the Parish Contractor using recycled plastic slats which we feel will be less prone to vandalism.

Warning Signs
At our October meeting we agreed to pay for 6 signs to be installed at various access points to the coast warning of the danger of quicksand, deep channels and fast moving tides with an additional sign on Cove Road, near Holgates Caravan Park in Arnside Parish Council’s area and to be part-funded by them.

200 years of Silverdale
In 1811 Parliament passed an ‘Act for Inclosing & Embanking Lands within the townships of Warton with Lindeth, and Silverdale, in the parish of Warton in the county palatine of Lancaster’. Two surveyors, William Miller & Richard Mount, gave notice that they would “perambulate and view the boundaries of the commons and waste lands” in Silverdale on 17th July 1811 commencing at Slackwood Barn @ 10.00am. A meeting was also to be held on the previous day for all those with any rights to the commons to present themselves and prove their case. In August a map was published indicating the names and siting of roads in the village. Those deemed to be injured or aggrieved were requested to state their case at a meeting on 24th September at the home of one James Kellet. (Our thanks to Barry Ayre for this information.}

This is the start of our village as we know it today and we intend celebrating the 200th anniversary in 2011. To date we have held 2 open meetings to discuss ideas about events and we will be discussing arrangements for financing the events at the November meeting of the Parish Council.

If you feel the need, or desire, to contact any of our Councillors, please feel free to telephone any of them. Their names and telephone numbers (all preceded by 01524) are:
Chairman Terry Bond 702693
Vice Chairman Tony Houghton 701416
Arthur Graves 701284
Eve Holden 701665
Shirley Mason 701162
John Taylor 701059
Paul Williams 701513
Or the Clerk, Denise Challenor, on: 01524-761824, or clerk@silverdale-pc-lancs.gov.uk