July Newsletter
At our Annual Meeting in May Councillor Terry Bond was re-elected as Chairman and Councillor Tony Houghton as Vice- Chairman.
Parish Contractor etc
In the spring, tenders were submitted for the maintenance of the playground, grass cutting and for the work of the Parish Contractor. The contracts were awarded to Mr Paul Holgate (who submitted the lower tender for each contract) with effect from 18th May.
To date, 15 villagers have registered an interest, with Lancaster City Council, in having an allotment. Where there is shown to be a demand it is our duty to provide allotment space. We have already been offered the use of land at the northern end of the village and we are looking at whether or not planning permission is required as fencing would need to be provided etc. We are trying to identify more potential sites. Please contact Terry Bond if you are interested in having an allotment and please also register your interest with Lancaster City Council (Ms J Glenton – jglenton@lancaster.gov.uk). Thank you.
The Police have launched a campaign to help reduce burglaries over the summer. You are advised not to leave windows and doors insecure when you go out. The Police will be putting crime prevention advice through the letter boxes of any property they see as insecure whilst on their regular beats.
Speed Indicator Display Sign (SPiD)
We are contributing towards a SPiD to be deployed at 2 locations a week over 10 sites (provided that the SPiD can be placed on Stankelt Road where we feel it would be most effective).
War Memorial Garden
We are still planning to renovate the War Memorial Garden and will be discussing how best to proceed with this at our August meeting.
Three Polite Requests…
Would dog owners kindly dispose of any bags containing dog excrement in a litter bin (or take it home) – please don’t throw it into a hedgerow! Please can villagers put their wheelie bin back as soon as possible after refuse collection to minimize the amount of time that our footpaths are obstructed? And finally… can villagers please avoid parking their cars on the pavement – again this causes a problem for pedestrians. Thank you.
If you feel the need, or desire, to contact any of our Councillors, please feel free to telephone any of them. Their names and telephone numbers (all preceded by 01524) are:
Chairman Terry Bond 702693
Vice Chairman Tony Houghton 701416
Dorothy Kitson 701790
Arthur Graves 701284
Eve Holden 701665
Shirley Mason 701162
John Taylor 701059
Paul Williams 701513
Or the Clerk, Denise Challenor, on: 01524-761824, or clerk@silverdale-pc-lancs.gov.uk