April newsletter
Website problems
We are sorry that there has been such a gap between newsletters – this is because we have had problems with our website which, thankfully, have now been sorted. Rest assured, in the meantime, we have been busy beavering away as you’ll see from our news below!
PC Tony Marsh has been appointed as our Police Constable for Silverdale; he works with Special Constable Steve Broadbent and Emergency Services Community Support Officer Gerald Hurtley. The number of reported crimes for Silverdale has fallen from 77 (for 2007/ 08) to 37 (for 2008/ 09); the number of reported thefts of items stored outside (such as scrap metal and diesel fuel) has, however, increased (as has been the case in many rural areas). The number of reported vehicle crimes has reduced – this may be due to the work done to monitor secluded car parks and raise public awareness. We have asked the police to treat speeding vehicles and inconsiderate parking as priorities.
20mph speed limit
The proposal to impose a 20 mph speed limit for Emesgate Lane with speed cushions was withdrawn following public objection.
Closure of Main St Warton
There is disruption along Main St Warton whilst works are carried out to renew the gas main. Part of Main St will be completely closed to vehicles for some of the time and diversionary routes will be set up. The work will take about 28 weeks (from 6th April) to complete.
We are pleased to tell you that we have been offered the use of some land at the northern end of the village for allotments and are currently carrying out negotiations; there is likely to be space for 6 or 7 allotments. There has also been publicity about the National Trust providing land for allotments and we have been making enquiries about possibilities for Silverdale. Please contact Terry Bond if you are interested in having an allotment (even if you have previously done so) and please also register your interest with Lancaster City Council (Ms J Glenton – jglenton@lancaster.gov.uk). Thank you.
National Trust
In July, Rowena Lord, Property Manager (Morecambe Bay) and Alan Ferguson, Warden-in-Charge, Arnside and Silverdale (National Trust) came along to our meeting and gave an overview of investment by, work carried out by, and the aims of, the National Trust.
Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service
In August, Peter O’Brien, Assistant Chief Fire Officer and Roger Balderstone of the Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service came to talk to us; one of the issues discussed was the possibility of co-responding with the Ambulance Service. It was noted that the Fire and Rescue Service carry out home fire safety checks if requested (Freephone 0800 1691125). The service is free and smoke alarms are fitted where necessary.
Multi Use Games Area (MUGA)
We support the proposal for a MUGA in the village; the remit for the charity set up for the playground has been extended to include the land to be used for the MUGA to enable grants to be applied for.
Freedom of Information Act 2005
We have agreed to adopt the model publication scheme under the Act, both the website and Silverdale Post Office hold all the necessary information specified by the Act.
Annual Parish Meeting
Our Annual Parish Meeting was held at the Gaskell Hall in March and was very well attended. Tony Parker, Secretary for the Furness Line Action Group and station adopter for Silverdale, talked about rail travel to and from Silverdale and answered questions. In September Geraldine Smith MP had also discussed a number of issues regarding the train and bus services with us and subsequently arranged a joint meeting with Members, rail service providers and herself and the possibility of providing a ramp from the station to the RSPB car park and reducing train overcrowding are being considered.
Plans are afoot to have the railings in the village repainted – the work will be carried out by the probation service with paint provided by Lancashire County Council.
Your Councillors
If you feel the need, or desire, to contact any of our Councillors, please feel free to telephone any of them. Their names and telephone numbers (all preceded by 01524) are:
Chairman Terry Bond 702693
Vice Chairman Tony Houghton 701416
Dorothy Kitson 701790
Arthur Graves 701284
Eve Holden 701665
Shirley Mason 701162
John Taylor 701059
Paul Williams 701513
Or, the Clerk, Denise Challenor, on: 01524-761824, or clerk@silverdale-pc-lancs.gov.uk