
Newsletter November 2007.

Road Safety, etc
Road safety and inconsiderate parkIng, continue to be discussed by Members of your Council, such as Speed restrictions, road humps. and radar guns. Inconsiderate parking can not only create a hazard, but also an obstruction. Our Community Policeman has tried a range of ‘gentle’ persuasive methods, but these have largely been ignored, so don’t be surprised if we resort to tougher measures.

This has been restored by Phil Hargreaves with funding from the Landscape Trust (to commemorate their 20th Anniversary), and a grant from the AONB, We are aware of some criticism, but the majority of residents seem well-pleased with the work. What’s more, we haven’t needed to spend even a penny of your Council Tax on the restoration of this wonderful village amenity.

New Clerk(s)
Peter Challenor retired at the end of June, suffering from a combination of Post-Polio Syndrome and Ataxia. With his disabilities of lack of balance affecting the right side of his body, his speech and his writing, Peter decided that he was no longer able to serve as Clerk to the Council.

On 1st July, Peter was succeeded by Vivienne Shiels, but she soon concluded that the job did not suit her. As she resigned within her probationary period Vivienne was only required to give one week’s notice, although she did oblige by giving more. Nevertheless, there was insufficient time to appoint another Clerk, so our Deputy Clerk, Sue Hayward, stepped into the void, as Acting Clerk. Sue has always made it very clear that she doesn’t want the post on a permanent basis, but this did not stop her from doing an excellent job. We are very fortunate to be supported by Sue.

As from 19th November, Mrs L.D.(Denise) Challenor took over. Denise is already Clerk to Heversham Parish Council and being married to a former Clerk should have its advantages. You might also have encountered Denise at Bleasdale House or through Cumbria Library Service (if you have a garden suitable to enter in the NSPCC Open Gardens, Denise will be after you!). Let’s hope that she remains with us for a good few years.

Members of the Council have also recognised that the Clerk actually needs to undertake to work a lot more hours than he, or she, is paid for. In an attempt to redress this situation the paid-hours have been increased to 30 per month.

Your Councillors
We have a majority of new Councillors, but, if you feel the need, or desire, to contact any of our Councillors, please feel free to telephone any of them. Their names and telephone numbers (all preceded by 01524) are:

Chairman Terry Bond 702693
Vice Chairman Tony Houghton 701416
Dorothy Kitson 701790
Arthur Graves 701284
Eve Holden 701665
Shirley Mason 701162
John Taylor 701059
Paul Williams 701513

Or, the Clerk, Denise Challenor, on:

01524-761824, or clerk@silverdale-pc-lancs.gov.uk