
Children’s Playground

We were getting on so nicely, when it was drawn to our attention that the site of the new equipment had been changed and, in our haste, we had forgotten to consult with the neighbours on Cove Road, who face this development. Some of them were not happy when Phase 2 was under construction and so we arranged a Special Meeting on 18th April. About 80 residents attended, and in the main were in support of the project as originally planned and ordered. Nevertheless, we attempted to accommodate some of the concerns of the neighbours, and were very grateful for the offer of Mr Paul Holgate to provide screening with mature trees. The Council is not under a legal duty to consult, but we generally like to do so, and must apologise for this oversight.

Another hiccup was that it was discovered that the Aerial Runway, for Phase 3, exceeds the 4 metres height for local authority Permitted Developments. The choice was to either apply for Planning Permission or reduce the height. We are very grateful to Playdale Playgrounds for re-designing the Runway, and it is now projected to reach 3.9 metres.

At the Council meeting on 5th May, it was decided that the project should basically continue as planned. There are a few minor adjustments to be made, but the project is back on course.

Library extension

We have had an informal discussion with the Library Service, and are very pleased to learn that it is likely that a new entrance will be created this year, giving better access for disabled persons, and a small increase of usable space. Presuming that this will proceed, it will fit in very well with the proposal for an extension as recommended by the Community Services Group, established under the Parish Plan. The question of finance is referred to below.

New Charity

We have found that very few grant-aid organisations are willing to give grants to the Council, as such, but are more willing to give to charities, even if run by the Council. Bearing in mind what is suggested for the Library, it was thought that we should establish a charity which would initially concentrate on raising funds for the library extension. However there is the possibility of other causes being serviced by such a charity and it was thought best to establish the SILVERDALE PARISH PLAN DEVELOPMENT TRUST. Negotiations with the Charity Commission will now commence (but they are expected to take several months)

Your Councillors

If you feel the need, or desire, to contact any of our Councillors, please feel free to telephone any of them. Their names and telephone numbers (all preceded by 01524) are:

Chairman Peter Roberts 702315
Vice Chairman Tony Houghton 701416
John Burrow 702784
John Eden 701678
Bernard Fryer 701734
Arthur Graves 701284
June Greenwell 701610
Ralph Henderson 761594