Appointment of a Deputy Clerk
Our Clerk has found that his workload does not get any easier, as he streamlines systems, and has asked the Council for assistance. It has also been brought to our attention that we could find ourselves in a very difficult situation, if he were taken ill, or otherwise indisposed, for more than a couple of weeks. We have therefore decided to appoint a Deputy Clerk (also to be our Deputy Responsible Financial Officer) for 10 hours per month. We have advertised the post in our free publications, and, at the time of writing this Newsletter, we have received four applications.
Children’s Playground
In May, of this year, we made a formal application for a grant, under the Rural Enterprise Scheme, and we know that this is being processed. We originally thought that we should receive a decision in early September, but we now know that it has been deferred to the end of November.
However, we have established that we can go ahead with Phase 1, without prejudicing our grant application.
Action for Silverdale Children has already managed to raise £7,500, and the Parish Council has managed to dedicate £8,000. With a vat rebate available to the Council (only for its contribution), this just about means that we can place an order, for Phase 1. We will still need to raise money for the fence, and gates, around the equipment, but at least our children will have some nice, new, and exciting equipment to play on.
The plan previously published, has been changed. The area for the young children (Phase 1) has been moved, so as to be near to the road, and the area of field, for general play, has been moved to the top end of the field. We hope to be able to put a revised plan, onto this web site, in the near future.
If all goes according to plan, we should see an exciting new playground ‘evolving’ during 2005 (or even during the last few weeks of 2004).
Your Councillors
If you feel the need, or desire, to contact any of our Councillors, please feel free to telephone any of them. Their names and telephone numbers (all preceded by 01524) are:
Chairman Peter Roberts 702315
Vice Chairman Tony Houghton 701416
John Burrow 702784
John Eden 701678
Bernard Fryer 701734
Arthur Graves 701284
June Greenwell 701610
Ralph Henderson 761594