
Following the retirement of Cyril Beckford, we are very pleased to welcome Peter Roberts, who was co-opted to serve as a Parish Councillor, until the elections in May (please see the important message at the end of this Newsletter).

Over the Christmas period things went a little quiet, as usual, but early January saw our “Parish Plan Steering Group” move into ‘top gear’. On January 16th there was a major meeting, in the Gaskell Hall, of representatives of ten organisations and ‘interest groups’, but the theme this time was ACTION. Small groups tackled their chosen subjects and gave a brief presentation at the end of the evening on how their action group would like to progress. The Silverdale Sport and Recreation Development Committee was, perhaps, ahead of the game, having already established themselves as an action group, under the Parish Plan scheme.

Although not quite as advanced, it was particularly striking that a significant number of parents of young(ish) children attended ‘in force’ and formed an excellent action group. Amongst other things, this group would like to see a dramatic improvement in the play equipment provided in the top corner of the Playing Field. This news is music to the ears of the Parish Council, because our members are acutely aware of the need to make improvements. Currently we have £5000 set aside towards the cost of the improvements, but we will welcome the very valuable input (and leadership?) of this new action group.

Other action groups have some very valuable contributions to make to the future of our village, but it is too early for us to be able to give you a foretaste of what will evolve.
As to the other work of the Parish Council, you might like to know that we have been involved in preliminary discussions about the possibility of entering into a “Parish Lengthsman” scheme, in conjunction with the parish councils for Warton, Yealand Conyers and Yealand Redmayne. Whilst there are distinct attractions in this scheme there also some misgivings to resolve first.

The Government keeps making pronouncements about new schemes and rules to be introduced at the beginning of April, but the final details are still awaited. It certainly looks as though it will be another year of being bombarded with new challenges.

On May 1st, all existing members stand-down from office, as we go into the four-yearly elections. Most members are expected to stand for re-election, because they wish to continue to serve the community, which they cherish so much. However, not all members will stand again and so there is a need to find some ‘new blood’. We cannot over-emphasise the fact that….


There are 8 seats on the Council but….. if only 7 people stand for election, we are very likely to have our application for Quality Parish status declined. The importance of this status was explained in the previous newsletter – lack of the status could prejudice the standing of the Parish Plan.

If you feel that you would like to know more about the work of the Council, please have a word with one of our existing Members, or the Clerk. If you are inclined to join us, PLEASE STAND FOR ELECTION!