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Parish Council Meeting

Meeting held on: Monday January 7th, 2013


7th January 2013
10222 Un-confirmed Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Silverdale Parish Council held in the Silverdale Institute on Monday, 7th January 2013.
10223 Present: Chairman – Councillor T.G. (Terry) Bond, Councillors H.M.E. (Harriet) Bradfield, A.J. (Tony) Houghton, S.L. (Shirley) Mason, K. (Keith) Palmer, N. (Nigel) Ribbons, P.N. (Paul) Williams and A. (Angela) Woods, the Clerk – L.D. (Denise) Challenor, the Deputy Clerk – S.D. (Sue) Hayward, County Councillor S.M. (Sarah) Fishwick and 6 members of the public.
10224 Apologies for Absence: PC 2866 Tony Marsh and City Councillor K. (Kath) Graham.
10225 Receipt of Declarations of Members’ Interests Relating to any Items Appearing on the Agenda
Councillor Williams expressed an interest in agenda item 13 in that he is employed (as a member of the public) to clean the toilets.
10226 Minutes of the Previous Meeting
The Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Monday, 3rd December were approved then signed by the Chairman.
10227 Receipt of Information about Matters Arising from the Minutes of Previous Meetings, not Covered by the Agenda
The Chairman referred to item 10180, regarding the painting of the railings, and advised that it was not clear whether the health and safety regulations have changed or not; RESOLVED to pursue this matter with a senior member of the Probation Service.
The Clerk referred to: (1) item 10211 (g), regarding a request that dog owners be discouraged from letting dogs off their leads on the road to Jenny Brown’s Point, and reported that the Dog Warden has advised that no action can be taken as the road is not designated as a ‘dogs on leads’ area; (2) item 10215, regarding land registration, and reported that she has a list of documents held by Lancashire County Council (Lancs. CC) archives and that she has written to the Land Registry; (3) item 101218, regarding historic planning objections to the site next to Rock Villas, Lindeth Road (in connection with the Local Development Plan), and advised there are no references to objections on this Council’s website.
10228 Matters Raised by Members of the Public for Future Consideration
10229 Update from the Community Police Officer
A written report from PC Marsh was read by the Clerk: (1) since the date of the last meeting 22 incidents have been reported, of these 5 have been recorded as crimes – shop-lifting at the Co-operative store, damage to a vehicle on Lindeth Close, a theft on Cove Road, non-dwelling burglary on Stankelt Road (lawnmower stolen), non-dwelling burglary on Emesgate Lane (power tools stolen); (2) in relation to the PACT priorities the police have continued to monitor the parking situation generally and have monitored the situation by the Co-operative store and the clock tower.
10230 Report from County Councillor Sarah Fishwick
Councillor Fishwick reported on: (1) broadband provision – State aid for the overall Project should be received next week and implementation will begin straightaway: (2) the position regarding the modification to the Footpath Order for Brown’s Houses; (3) the planning response for Appleby, Emesgate Lane; (4) a suggestion that has been made regarding the draft Local Development Plan – that the Parish Council write to the Planning department and the Environment Agency advising of those areas where there are drainage problems; (5) the drainage problems at Storrs Lane; (6) the number of areas where there is flooding due to blocked drains or potholes which she will notify Highways of.
10231 Report from City Councillor Kath Graham
Councillor Graham was not present at the meeting but had e mailed a report to the Deputy Clerk: (1) she has recently been in contact with the residents of both Lindeth Close and Gaskell Close who are, again, having problems with Environmental Services regarding bills for septic tank emptying and maintenance; (2) she has spoken at the Planning Committee meeting to try to challenge why so many developers, including the builder of the two houses at Appleby, are being allowed to avoid the payment of any commuted sum towards affordable housing by claiming that it is not viable for them to do so.
10232 Reports on any Meetings Attended by Members or the Clerk
Silverdale Institute Committee AGM
The Chairman reported that Councillors Williams and Houghton and he had attended the AGM.
10233 Correspondence
Receipt of the following items of correspondence was noted and any action determined as indicated:
a) An invitation to the Chairman to the Epiphany service at Blackburn Cathedral on 3rd February at 6.30pm; it was noted that the Chairman does not wish to attend;
b) A copy of a letter to the planning and housing policy team at Lancaster City Council (Lancaster CC), regarding LDF by a resident of Arnside who wishes to keep Silverdale informed;
c) Silverdale Institute guidelines for those preparing proposals for consideration by the Silverdale Institute Committee. It was noted that the Chairman has written to the Institute Committee requesting an ‘in principle’ decision on the use of part of the Institute site for a skate park but that he has not had a response to date; the guidelines had been sent following the attendance of 3 Parish Councillors at the AGM. Such a decision would be needed before time and effort was spent on preparing detailed proposals. The Chairman has been invited to the next meeting of the Institute Committee on 17th January and a Parish Councillor has been invited to join the Institute Committee to represent their user group. RESOLVED that Councillor Woods join the Institute Committee;
d) LALC’s December Newsletter;
e) Lancaster CC regeneration and planning service inform of Parish Partnerships Project and of their intention throughout January 2013 to carry out some analysis of the current evidence of housing need;
f) Lake District National Park invite the Council to make representations on the Allocations of Land and Mineral Safeguarding Areas publication documents; available on: www.lakedistrict.gov.uk/allocations;
h) LCR publication;
i) Silverdale shuttle timetable amendments.
10234 Planning
(1) It was noted that the following planning application had been dealt with under the provisions of Standing Order 25a and comments made as indicated:
12/120/TPO 21 Spring Bank. Reduction of crown on sweet chestnut tree on centre raised bed. NO COMMENTS.
(2) The following applications were considered and comments made as indicated:
12/01122/FUL Red Bridge Farm, Red Bridge Lane. Erection of a part single-, part 2-storey extension to the side and erection of a porch extension to new Red Bridge Farm. PLANNING OBJECTIONS on the grounds that the proposed extension would be: 1. in front of the existing building line; 2. detrimental to highway sight-lines.
(3) It was noted that no decisions had been advised by Lancaster CC.
10235 Urgent Action Taken in Accordance with Standing Order 25 (other than Planning)
25 (a) Parish Council Property and Functions
It was noted that the Clerk had purchased drain rods for the public toilets at a cost of £40.98.
25(b) Non-Parish Council Property and Functions
10236 Public Toilets
1. It was noted that Mr Robert Noble, Planned Maintenance Officer, Lancaster CC had written to the Clerk suggesting that the recurrent blockages might be due to a lip on the manhole channel which is allowing waste to build up (hence the purchase of the drain rods to be used regularly to keep the drains clear). RESOLVED to query with Lancaster CC why this problem hadn’t been identified when the toilets were their responsibility.
2. It was noted that the Chairman had turned off the water supply to the toilets for a period of 4 hours in the day-time recently to try and establish whether anyone else is using a water supply connected to the same water meter as the toilets – he found that the meter reading stayed the same; this may have been because other supply users were out at work during the time that the water was turned off. RESOLVED to turn off the supply for a 24 hour period. Another possible reason for the high recorded water usage might be a leak.
3. RESOLVED to add ‘rodding the drains as required’ and the weekly replenishing of stocks of dog waste bags to the specifications for the toilet care contract (due for renewal on 1st April). RESOLVED that the closing date for applications to tender will be 22nd February.
10237 Silverdale Children’s Playground
RESOLVED: 1. to donate a replacement swing to the playground at a cost of £115 + VAT (under section 19, Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976) and to ask the Parish Contractor to fit the swing; 2. that the Chairman check the size of the area under the aerial slide and that the Clerk check the safety and suitability of rubber chippings under an aerial slide with Lancaster CC; it was noted that, long-term, rubber chippings are a cheaper option than bark.

10238 Annual Parish Meeting
Resolved to set the date for the Annual Parish Meeting (Parish Assembly) for 2013 on Monday, 18th or Tuesday, 19th March if the Green Room at the Gaskell Hall is free and to invite Mr Tony Parker, Secretary for the Furness Line Action Group, to speak along with representatives from the Police, Library Services and the National Trust. Further RESOLVED to invite Mr Parker to speak at the Assembly every year.
10239 Finance
(a) Councillor Woods conducted the monthly check of all money received by the Council and found the records to be satisfactory. It was noted that there had been the following receipt: £88.78 – Wayleaves (Electricity North West (rent for having electricity pylons on Council land)).
(b) RESOLVED to authorise payment and sign cheques for the following accounts:
United Utilities (water/toilets) £487.82 (778)
Mr P. Williams (toilet cleaning) £175.00 (782)
Mrs L.D. Challenor (salary and expenses) £1034.60 (783)
Mrs L.D. Challenor (drain rods/toilets) £40.98 (784)
Mrs S. Hayward (salary and expenses) £370.10 (785)
Envirocare (Parish Contractor) £318.00 (786)
C. Bantleman (toilet drains) £144.00 (787)
Npower (toilet electricity) £113.60 (790)
Post Office Ltd. (PAYE) £230.40 (789)
(c) RESOLVED not to pay Lancaster CC £1390.00 (septic tank charges) as a satisfactory breakdown of the charges has not been given as yet.
10240 Items for Information
1. Councillor Houghton reported that he had visited Halton skate park recently and was impressed; he invited other Members to visit if they are able to.
2. The Clerk advised that Mr Neil Pharaoh has offered to re-paint the bench outside the Co-operative store.
10241 Suggestions for Future Agenda Items
1. February meeting – tree surgeon’s report. (Chairman)
2. An update on the cost of managing the public toilets. (Councillor Houghton)
3. Possible sites for dog waste dispensers. (All)
4. Contract for the monthly emptying of the feminine hygiene units in the public toilets. (All)
5. An update on The Royal Hotel. (Councillor Palmer)

10242 Date of the Next Meeting
It was noted that the date of the next meeting is Monday, 4th February 2013. Items for the agenda to reach the Clerk before Friday, 25th January and copies of reports to reach the Clerk before Monday, 28th January.
Sue D. Hayward
Deputy Clerk to the Council